Saturday, November 1, 2008

Two Exciting Evangelism Excursions in 24 hrs!!

The first of these was yesterday on Halloween. We went and set up a table on the street side at about 4:00. The unsuspecting kids and their parents walked up and were ready to get their candy. But that wasn't all that they got. When they first walked up, Dad or Mom would tell them that they had to get the trick (the curved illusion tract) before they could get their treat.

After that, we would give them a choice of small candy, or big candy if they took a test. Most of them chose the test and then Mom or Dad would go through the law and the gospel with them. Towards the end we started just giving them a million dollar bill and a candy bar, but Mom and Dad had a lot of pretty good conversations. Also, we got out almost 400 tracts, which is pretty good considering we live in a town of only 4000.

Our second evangelism excursion was this morning when we went to the Prescott Courthouse. When we first arrived, there were a lot of people. Apparently, today was the Celebration of the Dead, which is a Mexican holiday. There was a Mexican band playing in the square and there was a crowd of at least one hundred people. We had no idea that there was even anything going on in the square that day and we were so excited. So we prayed, and when we finished, the band was picking up their equipment, and everyone was leaving. If we had known they were going to leave so soon, we would have tracted the whole crowd before we prayed, but we didn't. We were kinda disappointed, but we stayed in the square and just talked to the people that hadn't left. We had some good conversations, including one drunk guy who started weeping when Dad presented him with the law, a man that was running for County Supervisor and was completely wacked out in his beliefs, a 13 year old who seemed really convicted, and several people who claimed to be Christians. Overall, it was a really great witnessing time.

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