Sunday, April 15, 2012


Confession #1:  I'm not always right.  (Shocking, isn't it?)  :)  This will be seen in the following confessions.

Confession #2:  Apparently, I was wrong when I said that spring was here.  We had a large storm sweep through this weekend complete with snow, rain, wind, and much colder temperatures.  It snowed on Friday night and most of Saturday, creating the overall effect of a wintry January day.  Our wood stove, which I had previously thought was retired for the season, is back in business.

Confession#3:  Remember when I said that I could think of about 1,000 things to make with our very own backyard eggs?  I may have exaggerated just a little.  Or quite a bit.  Our hens have started to really kick into action, and since we have 29 of them, we're getting almost 2 dozen eggs every day.  That's a lot of eggs, I can tell you.  And now we're scrambling (Haha, did you like that?) to find ways to use them up!

Confession #4:  Well, this isn't really a confession; I just didn't want to break the trend.  I have a little bit of exciting news I wanted to tell you!  Yesterday we finally got the baby goats on a schedule of bottle-feeding only two times a day, once at 6am and once at 6pm.  That means Friday night was the first night in over a month that we haven't had to get up in the middle of the night to feed goats. (That's as long as you consider 4am the middle of the night, which I do.) Well, I should say the first night in over a month that Isaac didn't have to get up to feed goats.  There were several nights that I didn't go with him.  Anyway, that is so exciting for us!  We get to enjoy this wonderful reprieve for almost a whole month before Bess gives birth, and then we have to start all over again.  I'm not going to think about that quite yet though; I'm just going to enjoy the present!

Confession #5:  I didn't have any pictures to go with this post.  Sorry!  Maybe next post...

Confession #6:  The last confession made me think of this:  I've been meaning to do a post for a long time with pictures of Isaac milking Betty, but I haven't gotten around to it.  Maybe that will be my next post.  Now don't hold me to that!  I'm just saying it might be a possibility.  :)


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