I say that for two reasons.
Firstly, can it really be almost four months since I last posted?? I know my blogging behavior has been positively inexcusable and for that I'm sorry. This may be, however, a new opportunity for you to forgive me as Jesus has forgiven us. We certainly didn't deserve his grace then, and I don't deserve yours now.
My second reason for stating that time flies is that two days ago was the first anniversary of our move from my childhood home. I can hardly believe it! This past year has passed away so quickly! It seems strange to me that when I think of moving it does not seem like I have lived a whole year since that time, and yet living in our old house and old town seems so far away. I believe that God has used this year full of change for good. It hasn't been exactly what I thought it would be, but God's used it to teach me and change me.
There's not really much to report on the home front. We are just pressing on and doing our best to serve God where He has put us. We are traveling an hour and forty-five minutes to church every Sunday. We love the church that God has placed us in, and yet we believe that it is only a temporary position where we need to grow and learn for a time. Our living situation is also feeling quite temporary. Our landlady has had some major issues with the septic in the backyard and it is not entirely clear that we are going to be able to stay here for too long. We are placing our trust in God however, knowing that He is in control and will provide for us all that we need.
Well, I'd better head to bed. I can't make any promises, but I will try to do better about posting. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to show you soon!
God bless you!